If you’re a psychotherapist, counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any sort of therapist, Core Transformation Coach Certification can increase the success of your practice in several ways.

Through this carefully-designed program, you’ll…

  • Learn a method that gets results (and we’ve got research that backs this up)
  • Reach a high level of skill, which is necessary to be successful with a wide range of clients and a wide range of client difficulties
  • Add a meaningful certification to your credentials—which, together with the results you’ll be able to achieve, will enhance your reputation.

“Participating in the Core Transformation Coach Certification is a PROFOUND experience on all levels one could imagine; the cognitive level in congruence with the somatic level of ‘knowingness,’ the subtlety of transformative language leading to emotional relief and incredibly sustainable shifts in ‘state’ and for some, deep shifts in awareness and consciousness. Huge congratulations to all graduates and participants, gratitude to Mark and Tamara who are Trainers par excellence, and of course to Connirae for creating this particular Path to ‘the Wellspring Within.'”

–Michael DeMolina PhD, Psychotherapist, Certified Core Transformation Coach, CT Certification Training Mentor, CT Trainer

A Method that Gets Results

For several decades, therapists we’ve trained in Core Transformation have been reporting back to us that this method has made a surprising difference in the results they get. They share with us how even clients with the toughest diagnoses have often been helped with Core Transformation. And not only are clients experiencing change in their symptoms, they are also enjoying a greater sense of ongoing well-being. 

In addition, now there is high quality research to back up what we’ve known for years. Dinesh Braganza et al has published a randomized, controlled study in The Journal of Counseling and Developmentshowing that not only does Core Transformation improve the experience of the symptom, it goes way beyond that. CT results in measurable improvements in global well-being and other measures, four weeks and even eight weeks after a single Core Transformation session! 

 And it’s especially remarkable that of the clients who could have gotten a clinical diagnosis before their CT session (according to a questionnaire that was used in the research), 61% were no longer in that category, four weeks after the single CT session. 

Considering that most clients, after having a transformative first session, will be back for multiple additional sessions, just imagine how different their lives could be as a result of your work with them!

(Click here for an article on more detail about how Core Transformation works, and what causes the profound results.

Therapists we’ve trained have received reports back from clients who tell them they’ve experienced positive shifts, and sometimes full resolution, of issues including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Compulsions/addictions
  • Effects of abuse/trauma
  • Troublesome emotions, including hurt, anger, rage, jealousy, grief, etc.
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Most of the issues that bring people into therapy

One young man, who’d been diagnosed with schizophrenia, fully resolved his symptoms after 30 days of daily Core Transformation sessions (with a very skilled guide). We’ve got over 20 years of follow-up on this case now.

This doesn’t mean that everyone with this diagnosis would get the same result. However, even one person experiencing a shift with a mental condition that’s considered so difficult to change gives an indication of the effectiveness of Core Transformation. 

This is one of the reasons we recommend Core Transformation as one of the most important methods to include in any therapy practice.

Reach a High Level of Skill

With easy clients, it’s possible to get great results with Core Transformation, just using the standard script. Some therapists are already doing so, after participating in a Foundation CT seminar. 

However, many therapy clients don’t follow a script! And that’s why it’s important to learn advanced methods of adapting Core Transformation to meet the needs of challenging clients. 

In addition, if you’ve ever participated in a skills training, you can probably recognize that usually, the vast majority of participants aren’t gaining the same level of skill that the trainers have. That isn’t surprising, since the trainers probably have years or even decades of experience.

However, our CT Coach Certification Course will use our Tri-Level Training Model, with three levels of practice and three levels of supervision/review. This model offers a unique way to maximize your skills development, so that when you’re working with clients, you’ll be confident, knowing you have a professional level of skill.

Our goal is to replicate our trainers’ skill level in each person participating in the Coach Certification Training, as closely as possible. And while it took our trainers decades to develop their skills, we know we can make it faster and easier for you to develop yours!

Of course, we aren’t looking for perfection (which none of us has). In fact, sometimes internal perfection standards or internal criticism make learning more difficult, and these can be good issues to resolve with Core Transformation!

Our goal is to prepare you for success, to boost your results, increase your enjoyment of doing therapy, and help you build your practice.

Establish Your Expertise in a Method with Demonstrable Results and Research Basis

When you’re Certified in Core Transformation Coaching, you’ll have an effective methodology that can help you get reliable results with a wide range of clients. You’ll also have access to successful educational materials that can help you present this work to others. 

In addition, you’ll be able to say you were participating in Core Transformation service delivery for a research project.

So in addition to having a methodology that gets outstanding results, you’ll also have a credential that actually means something, to inspire confidence in your clients. 

Why did you decide to become a therapist?

Most therapists are motivated by a desire to help others. They know many people struggle with challenging emotions and difficult habits, and they don’t know how to build the positive relationships in their life that they’d like to have. Some suffer from serious, even debilitating conditions. They want to have a better life. Getting training in a powerfully effective method such as Core Transformation can help you help your clients even more effectively. 

How Does Core Transformation Actually Work?

There are specific reasons that Core Transformation is so effective. Find out about some important aspects of the process in this article, How Does Core Transformation Get Such Life-Changing Emotional Healing Results?

Or, if you’d like to watch a free introductory webinar, including a demonstration, click here.

Articles in This Series

  1. Core Transformation Coach Certification for Therapists 
  2. How Does Core Transformation Get Such Life-Changing Emotional Healing Results? 
  3. Core Transformation Training Brings Balance for Therapists