“I decided to go to graduate school in clinical psychology, because I wanted to be able to help others–yet I knew that part of my motivation was to learn how to have a happier life for myself. Even though I was a well-functioning, successful person overall, I recognized that there were plenty of areas in my life where I could be happier, and have more wellbeing. I knew I got more stressed out than I need to, and I knew certain things pushed my emotional buttons.

“I also recognized that I wasn’t at all alone. Many of the other students in my PhD program made comments that let me know they wanted change for themselves, too. 

“Even with all of my traditional training in psychology, plus an extensive background in alternative transformational methods, I found it difficult to find an approach that got good results for me. A lengthy and intensive search finally led me to develop several new methods of change, that got the kind of results I’d been seeking. 

“My motivation to work on my own issues has actually helped me get through a physical crisis in which I thought I was dying, and it led me to develop new methodologies that are now helping thousands of people.

“Moving through life as a developer in the field of NLP, I’ve come to realize that engaging in my own transformational process is a major key, not only to helping myself, but to helping clients as well, especially at the deeper stages of transformation.

“Fortunately, the methodologies that I’ve developed make it safe for anyone to explore their own vulnerabilities. We don’t see people as broken. We see everyone as having human challenges, and having amazing resources inside, that we can reach, with some gentle guidance and precise steps that lead to profound experiences of being.”

–Connirae Andreas, Developer of Core Transformation

Helping Others, and Helping Ourselves

One of the benefits for therapists in our trainings is that there’s an opportunity for those who do so much to help others to get some personal benefit for themselves. In addition, we’ve noticed a correlation: Professionals who use Core Transformation with themselves are more effective at guiding others.

This can be true for other methodologies; however, it’s even more true for deep-level change methods like Core Transformation. That’s because we’re guiding clients toward states that they might have never experienced before—what we call “Core State,” such as oneness, beingness, a sense of our own essence. It isn’t just a mental construct, and if we remain “stuck in our heads,” we won’t experience these states. However, if we as guides can access these states ourselves, in our own experience, this comes across naturally through our non-verbal communication, making it easier for clients to experience their Core States. 

Now, you might be thinking, “I’m good at analyzing and mentally understanding things, and I’m not sure if I can reach these states you’re talking about.” However, if so, you’re in the same boat as most people who first come to our seminars. Most people don’t already have a Core State experience, at least not most of the time, and that’s what the Core Transformation process helps us access. 

“As a clinician, I think we need to walk our talk, and really embody the value of integration, of good mental health, and being nice to ourselves. This is so important. Personally, as a result of my Core Transformation training, some of my own unwanted behaviors and emotional states are really no longer present. I’m calmer, less driven, more centered, and a little more selective. I like to live the full rich life, yet I’ve been too scattered, saying yes to too many things. I feel like I’ve integrated a lot of different conflicts. I no longer feel pushed and pulled, with two parts of me fighting. I feel greater wellbeing, and talking with my husband, we’re doing better, and have a much more balanced life.

“How I work with clients has shifted. Using Core Transformation, when my clients get to these Core States for themselves, they are kind of shocked and surprised. And [a little later in the process], they’re saying, ‘Wow, Denise, one session and I’m feeling so differently about it! I’ve been so weighted down!’  Maybe they were working on jealousy with their partner or being critical with themselves. And it’s really rewarding to have them surprised, and see them walking out of the office, feeling very relieved, integrated, a nice flush in their cheek, and relaxation in their muscles. It’s rewarding for them, and rewarding for me.

“What really makes this Certification course stand out is that it was a marriage, a melding, of experiential learning, with classroom learning, with small group mentoring meetings. And then ‘go do it,’ apply what we’ve learned with real clients. Because clients will give you surprises. Clients need the coach to have flexibility, absolutely. We need to be able to go with what the client’s presenting, and also steer the course. And that takes practice.”

 –Denise Budden-Potts, PhD, Certified Core Transformation Coach

What Is The Expierence of Working with Personal Issues Like?

Choose what you work with: First, in our trainings, it’s up to you to choose what personal issues you want to work with. Everyone starts out working with something mild, such as “my partner pushes my buttons when he talks to me a certain way, even though it doesn’t cause any real harm,” or “I get annoyed when I’m walking outside and I can smell someone’s cigarette smoke,” or “I get impatient when I’m standing in line at the supermarket.” After that, if you want to continue working with mild issues, you’re welcome to do so. Or, you can choose to work with behaviors, responses, and thought patterns that are more significant if you want.

Gentle process: Second, our processes are very gentle, and you’re in the “driver’s seat” every step of the way. If you have any qualms about any step of the process, you can stop at any point. (This rarely happens, because the process is generally so pleasant—however, it may be nice to know that you’re in charge and we don’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do.)

Minimal sharing: Third, we don’t ask for a lot of information from you about your problems. In starting the process with a more significant issue, you might say something like “I find myself eating cookies between meals and I don’t want to,” or “I have a critical voice that’s always telling me I’m not good enough, especially when I make a mistake” or “I sometimes feel like I’m playing a role when I’m with my friends, instead of being authentic.” And that’s probably enough to dive into the process. We don’t need very much information about the problem before we start. 

Experience of being equals: As we explore within, although our individual process is unique, we invariably get to deep levels where we all want similar things. We find out what  the inner “part” of us, that’s generating the unwanted behavior, thought, or feeling is wanting. The unconscious motivations for our issues tend to be things like “being loved and appreciated,” “feeling fulfilled,” “feeling happy,” “being safe,” “being successful,” “being a good person,” etc. Since we all have similar sorts of unconscious motivations, the process is a great equalizer. 

And then, once we get to the Core State level, we can bask in a sense of inner wellbeing that tends to naturally create a sense of compassion, ease, and comfort with ourselves and others.

Are You a Person Who Would Be Happy With Our Trainings?

We’ve noticed that the therapists who are the happiest with our trainings, and also the most successful, tend to have certain qualities. Here are the main ones:

  1. They want the best methods to help their clients.
  2. They also want change for themselves, or at least they’re open to exploring it.
  3. They see their clients as equals (or strive to do so), rather than judging them in some way. (Of course, there’s a recognition that the client has some needs that the therapist can help with. However, as humans, we’re more alike than we are different, especially at the deeper levels.)

If you have these characteristics, then you’re very likely to feel at home in our trainings. You can get a sense of who we are and what we do with this free recorded introductory webinar

We hope this article series has been useful for deciding whether Core Transformation Certification Training can help you help your clients, as well as help you experience a more balanced, fulfilling life. Since you’ve read this far, we’re guessing there’s something about Core Transformation that resonates with you, and we encourage you to take a small, no-risk step to explore more about it (the free webinar). We wish you the best with your practice, and with your life.

Articles in This Series

  1. Core Transformation Coach Certification for Therapists 
  2. How Does Core Transformation Get Such Life-Changing Emotional Healing Results? 
  3. Core Transformation Training Brings Balance for Therapists