NLP Articles

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur erat dolor, semper ut finibus vitae, hendrerit vel massa. Praesent dapibus sit amet neque at pretium. Proin nec quam odio. Vivamus nulla quam, ornare quis velit in, convallis feugiat sapien. Ut ut efficitur risus. Nulla at magna at odio scelerisque mollis ac sit amet nisi. Pellentesque volutpat efficitur neque. Nunc lacus nulla, hendrerit in libero vel, laoreet gravida tellus.

Vivamus fermentum quam vel euismod faucibus. Vestibulum nibh nisl, sodales at erat at, volutpat fringilla mauris. Nam quis tortor in ipsum fermentum pharetra. Cras rutrum porta tellus, eget feugiat eros facilisis et. Nunc dui tortor, ullamcorper quis quam ut, posuere mollis enim. Aenean sed posuere eros. Nullam porta massa eu massa fringilla dignissim. Praesent a leo luctus, vestibulum elit sit amet, condimentum risus. Integer non convallis neque. Cras ullamcorper orci in aliquet mattis. Nam in turpis id massa posuere tincidunt.

Donec semper finibus quam, at sollicitudin eros cursus nec. Nam tincidunt enim quis vestibulum faucibus. Quisque ac mollis eros. Curabitur scelerisque ultricies nulla volutpat sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Sed tincidunt diam venenatis commodo viverra. Ut eget gravida libero.

Phasellus convallis sit amet augue sed faucibus. Nulla mollis nisi ut elementum rhoncus. Sed ut odio nec odio elementum pretium. Nulla molestie tempus tincidunt. Duis vel lorem viverra, luctus ante eget, luctus nisl. Proin dapibus, mauris sed finibus rutrum, risus dui convallis sem, ac feugiat arcu nisl id lectus. Fusce tristique ex in mi faucibus, et laoreet sapien suscipit. Sed viverra arcu sem, eget fringilla mauris varius in. Mauris bibendum, turpis id placerat ornare, erat est auctor felis, rutrum vehicula odio urna id tellus.

Vestibulum varius ultrices dui, eget luctus sapien fermentum non. Sed vitae sagittis dolor. Pellentesque non ante facilisis, feugiat lacus a, euismod lectus. Donec scelerisque turpis eu.

The Swish Pattern and Other Online Opportunities

Free Video Demonstration of the “standard swish” with nail-biting. In response to my recent blog post, “How to Ruin the Swish Pattern” several people asked for

NLP Works for PTSD

In 1984, Connirae Andreas worked with John, a Vietnam vet who had tried all sorts of therapy to get over his PTSD for 13 years,

Core Transformation

How Much Can a Spiritual Life Coach Earn?

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Core Transformation

How to Start a Spiritual
Coaching Practice

Chapter 1 How to Start a Spiritual Coaching Practice OK, so you like the idea of starting a spiritual coaching practice. But what does it

Core Transformation

Spiritual NLP Life Coach Certification

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Core Transformation

Core Transformation Brings Balance for Therapists

Core Transformation Training Brings Balance for Therapists “I decided to go to graduate school in clinical psychology, because I wanted to be able to help

Core Transformation Certification for Therapists

Core Transformation Coach Certification: Benefits for Therapists If you’re a psychotherapist, counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any sort of therapist, Core Transformation Coach Certification can increase

Can NLP Help with Relationship Issues?

We all have relationships that are important to us. While relationships can be life’s biggest blessings, they can also be life’s biggest challenges. Fortunately, NLP

Can NLP Help with Stress?

Stress can be caused by many things: pressures and challenges at work, difficult relationships, life transitions, world events, and now also covid. Sometimes, we might

Can NLP Help with Insomnia?

Insomnia can be a serious issue, affecting everything about our lives, including our health! It can be a challenge to shut off our minds at

Building a New Self

Demonstration           And what is it that you’d like to–? (build)            Peter: Well, “lovable” really hit a chord.            OK, you don’t think of yourself as lovable.            Peter: Not particularly.           

Resolving Shame

Shame Pattern Demonstration        Steve: First, I presume you already have in your mind something that causes you to feel shame.       Woman: Yes, it’s ah–       Steve: And don’t tell

“Kinesthetic Swish”

Introduction         In their recent Anchor Point article (September 1998, pp 33-37),  Michael Hall and Debra Lederer present a procedure which they call  “The Kinesthetic Swish Pattern.”         I

Resolving Grief

“I had just learned your grief process in 1990 when my father had a heart attack. I was with him in the hospital for three

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2024 CT Coach Certification
Dates & Times

With a $400 Deposit, you can register for CT Coach Certification 2024 and secure your place in next year’s training at this year’s earlybird price. To register for 2024, email Rory at [email protected] and he’ll send you instructions.

Here are the 2024 dates:

We don’t know if we’ll increase prices next year not. Either way, this locks you into the lowest possible rate for the CT Coach Certification in 2024 (saves you a minimum of $550, and possibly more).

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Here's What You'll Learn In
Wholeness Level IV

 Connirae will draw upon her experience with herself and clients to add the next level of potent material to help you go farther with the Wholeness Work. We’ll explore…

Here's What You'll Learn In
Wholeness Level III

Here's What You'll Learn In
Wholeness Level II

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