Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a method of personal change that has recently become quite popular. Developed by Richard Schwartz, IFS is a “parts work” process, which means it works through exploring our inner experience in terms of “parts.” As an example, there may be a part of us that feels hurt, and another part that wants to defend. 

One of the goals of IFS is to experience more “Self Energy,” which has qualities of “Curiosity, Calm, Confidence, Compassion, Creativity, Clarity, Courage and Connectedness.” The more we embody this self energy, the more successful and healing our interaction with our parts will be. In this way our parts become “led” by the self. In IFS meditation, we may ask parts to quiet down or step aside, so we can more purely access and develop self energy. 

Another “parts work” process is Core Transformation, developed by Connirae Andreas. Through Core Transformation we discover that each of our inner parts can be a source of what we might call “Self Energy.” There’s a simple, direct process for getting there.

With Core Transformation, we discover what a part wants. Then, through a precise line of questioning, we explore the part’s desires at deeper and deeper levels. Finally, we arrive at a “Core State,” which is a state that’s at a beingness level. This is the deepest yearning of this inner part. The Core State might be called peace, presence, joy, oneness, love, or something else. Reaching a Core State allows us to experience our own true inner nature, at the level of our very essence. The experience itself is sometimes subtle, and is often profound. 

The Core State is powerfully healing for the inner part. Every time a part transforms in this way we integrate more Core State energy into our inner essence. Interestingly, the eight C’s of IFS “Self Energy” (Curiosity, Calm, Confidence, Compassion, Creativity, Clarity, Courage and Connectedness) tend to naturally emerge when we’re in a Core State.

So, Core Transformation gives us an easy, reliable way that each inner part of us can be a source of peace, beingness, presence. Is this basically the same thing as Self Energy?

Tune into our live video podcast to explore this question and more! You’ll discover a simple method for discovering “Self Energy” without even needing to ask our parts to step aside or relax. Find out how Core Transformation helps us uncover natural “Self Energy” – and maybe something more.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2023 at 10:00 am Denver Time, streamed live on YouTube.

Check your time zone and add to your calendar.

Host: Tamara Andreas, with Andreas NLP

Guest: Stephen Josephs, executive coach

Length: About 30-45 minutes, plus Q&A.

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