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Welcome to the Advanced Core Transformation Hub!
Please login with the password provided to you with your registration. If you have any issues, or questions gaining access, please email [email protected]
You can find all the information you need for the class here.
Please only attend on the day that you registered for. Please log in 10-15 min. early:
Webinar Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 818 6595 9537
Passcode: 846432
6 webinars (3 hours each, followed by 30 min of optional Q & A time). Sessions will be held on the below Saturdays from 10am-1pm Denver, CO time, followed by 30 minutes of optional Q & A time. Check your time zone.
If you registered for the Sunday Option, you’ll meet on the day after each of the dates listed above (meeting on Sundays, instead of Saturdays). Meeting time is 30 minutes longer: from 10am-1:30pm Denver, CO time, followed by 30 minutes of optional Q & A time. Check your time zone.
Print the Advanced CT Manual:
Please print each unit before class (or have a way you can read it easily on a device while taking notes and keeping your main screen free to watch the person you’re guiding through the exercise):
Print before the first small group (if you don’t have it already):
Webinar Slides:
Recording links will be added within a day of the webinar.
To get downloadable audio of all of the webinars (for your personal use):
Go to this dropbox folder.
For PDFs of all webinar slides: Go to this dropbox folder
To access Video Recordings of the webinars (available for 1 year):
Unit 1: Finding an Effective Starting Place
Unit 2: Working with Multiple Parts
Unit 2 Bonus Handout: Script for 2 Parts, One at a Time
Unit 2 Bonus: Extra exercise from 2022, Unit 2: How to get started when the client says “I can’t decide.” Note: Page number references don’t match the current manual. The correct page numbers are: Topic: page 26 (2023 manual) Exercise: page 29 (2023 manual)
BONUS: Unit 3: Working with More Than One Part at Once: Working with Two Parts at Once (This is a bonus video, not a live webinar. Ignore reference to page numbers, as the manual has been updated since this was recorded. You’ll find all the written material for this video at the beginning of Unit 3).
Unit 3: Working with More Than One Part at Once
BONUS short blog post: Case Study: Working with Many Parts at Once
BONUS: CT and Childhood Trauma interview with Mark (30 min)
Unit 6: Core Transformation and Health
Bonus: Q & A with Tamara for Sunday Group
Integration session 1: (This won’t be recorded). Mark your Calendars for July 6 (Sat.) 12noon-1pm Denver CO Time
Integration session 2: (This won’t be recorded). July 27 (Sat.) 12noon-1pm Denver CO Time)
Remember to begin your 21 days of self practice, setting aside 15 minutes each day, and each day take 1 minute to log your self-practice using the link below.
Look in Unit I of your manual for tips on doing self practice in just 15 minutes, and you can go longer if you choose.
Note: Logging your self-practice each day is required if you want to attend the CT Coach Certification training in the fall.
If you already logged 21 or more days in a row as part of the Core Transformation 30-day Challenge, you have already fulfilled this prerequisite.
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